The Wishing Project

Wishing Traditions Around the World


Bubble Gum Alley

This gum wall began with theater patrons waiting outside, placing a blob of chewing gum on the wall and sticking a penny or other coin in it. Other people would pick off the coins, and the wall was cleaned of gum two or three times before the powers that be gave up and the wall became an interactive work of art. Now people chew wads of gum and shape letters and figures from it, as well as adding the conventional blobs. People seek out bright colored gums to chew and add. High School football teams have started their own tradition in Bubblegum Alley as well. When the opposing team comes to play the town's High School team, they go to the alley before the game and put a piece of gum on the wall for good luck. An uncommon myth is that if one walks through the alleyway while chewing gum and does not stick the gum on a wall, bad luck will befall this person.

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